Lacto BTM

Lacto B is a probiotic for the restoration of normal digestive function in pets.  A probiotic is a culture of 'friendly' bacteria which grow in the gut forming a protective layer and helping to prevent disease causing bacteria from
attaching and causing .diarrhoea.

Under normal
conditions, the
intestinal lining is completely covered with friendly
bacteria but these can become depleted in conditions of stress, during
disease and after
antibiotic therapy.

If your pet has recently suffered from a digestive upset, or has long term,
persistent diarrhoea, your vet may recommend a course of probiotics.  The bacteria in Lacto B are highly active probiotics which only start to grow when they enter the conditions found in the intestines.  The two strains in Lacto B are called
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum.  They each have their own preferred site in the intestine and so do not compete with one another for space.  They are both very good at out-competing harmful bacteria and thereby preventing disease.

Each gram of Lacto B contains 10 million Bifidobacterium longum bacteria and 20 million Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria

Lacto B has been used successfully in cats, dogs, rabbits and other
small rodents.  It is applied directly onto the food or dissolved in water.

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