The symptoms of seborrheoa can easily be rectified with the use of appropriate shampoos. We have developed three products designed to deal with any type of coat. Simply named and clearly labelled, AntiSeb Dry, AntiSeb Greasy and AntiSeb Maintenance.
AntiSeb Dry contains 'polyol-esters of fatty acids' to hydrate the skin as well and Salicylic acid to remove the scaly masses.
AntiSeb Greasy contains Coal Tar to regulate sebum protein and to remove the oil. It also contains hydrating salicylic acid and a 'lipo-amino acid' which leaves a protective film on the coat after rinsing.
AntiSeb Maintenance uses the 'polyol-esters of fatty acids' and the 'lipo-amino acid' in a formulation to be used after the skin has been corrected by one of the other AntiSeb products or as a general conditioning shampoo for frequent use.